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January 14

Important announcement from Indigenous Services Canada-Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program

Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program about NIHB policy that may impact Registered Nurses (RN). Q&A - Registered Nurses as prescribers/recommenders of select…
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December 3

Acute Flacid Myelitis (AFM)

Notice to Health Care Providers
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November 28

Release of the CARSS – Update 2018

To All Health Care Practitioners - Prescribing Antibiotics Public Health Agency of Canada's (PHAC)- Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System -Update 2018: Executive…
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November 5

WorkSafeNB – Our policy has changed – Update for prescribers

November 5, 2018 Dear New Brunswick Prescribing colleagues, WorkSafeNB has changed the way it manages opioid prescriptions for clients recovering from workplace…
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July 30

Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II

Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II- New Brunswick New Brunswick Survey Fact Sheet Nurse Practitioner National Survey Fact Sheet Registered…
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April 17

Position Statement – NANB Responds to “Une diplômée en science infirmière échoue à l’examen d’accréditation neuf fois”

Position Statement- NANB Responds to “Une diplômée en science infirmière échoue à l'examen d'accréditation neuf fois”
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January 2

CNA Media Statement

2017 closes with better access to care thanks to fewer federal barriers for nurse practitioners’ practice
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November 17

Merger of Extra-Mural Program and Medavie/Blue Cross

November 2017 Merger of Extra-Mural Program and Medavie/Blue Cross
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November 2

New Brunswick Regulator Responds to Criminal Charges in Ontario

Statement issued by NANB Executive Director, Laurie Janes November 2, 2016
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June 6

NBHC News Release – My Community at a Glance 2017

New Edition of “Made in NB” Data Source Gives Communities More Access to Local Data The New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC) is…
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May 25

5 Questions to Ask About Your Medications

5 Questions to Ask About Your Medications Pamphlet The tool has been endorsed and promoted by various organizations, including CADTH and the Department…
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May 8

CNA – Neonatal exam is born!

Ottawa, May 8, 2017 — The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and the Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses (CANN) announced today the birth…
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May 4

Press Release: ACCESS Open Minds New Brunswick (ACCESS OM NB)

Three Partnering Community Centres Open Their Doors to Youth Dealing with Mental Health Challenges NEW BRUNSWICK May 4, 2017 - ACCESS Open Minds…
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May 1

Addition of Rotavirus Vaccine into the NB Publicly Funded Childhood Immunization Program

Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health Letter to Health Care Practitioner: Rotavirus ROTARIX VACCINE Information Sheet for Vaccine Provider Rotavirus…
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April 26

CC-ABHI announces new partnership agreement with New Brunswick Health Research Foundation

The Canadian Centre for Aging & Brain Health Innovation (CC-ABHI) today announced a new partnership agreement with the New Brunswick Health Research…
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April 18

Amendments: Section 29 of the Vital Statistics Act

Since April 1st, 2017, Nurse Practitioners are authorized to certify death. Amendments were made to section 29 of the Vital Statistics Act…
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July 11

NANB Asks Government to Reconsider For-Profit Model of Blood Plasma Collection

The Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) which represents registered nurses and nurse practitioners in New Brunswick, urges the government to further…
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