My Profile

Get Involved

NANB offers members many ways to become involved with the work of the Association.

NANB members are invited to write to the President and/or Executive Director.


Through NANB, nurses have been making their voices heard at all levels on issues such as health care reform, future nursing education and quality of work life.

Nurses have successfully brought about changes in these and other important areas. You too could play a key role in these changing times, as an elected NANB Director.

Running for office allows you to influence health care policies, broaden your horizons, network with other leaders, expand your leadership skills, and make things happen in the nursing profession. See the Board of Directors structure.


Have you ever considered volunteering on one of NANB’s Committees?

Why volunteer?

  • Networking opportunities with peers;
  • Protect self-regulation of nurses in the interest of the public;
  • Advocate for the nursing profession;
  • Develop leadership skills.


  • Registered nurse or nurse practitioner in good standing;
  • Knowledge of scope of practice of nursing, practice standards, and entry-level competencies;
  • Must have at least 5 years of nursing experience;
  • Ability to participate in meetings in Fredericton and/or by teleconference.

Role of Public Members

As a regulatory body mandated to protect the public, NANB also needs public members to sit on all of our standing committees to ensure that the public is fairly represented.

Public members are individuals who are not now and have never been registered nurses. Public members should have an interest in the New Brunswick healthcare system, previous committee or board experience, time to devote to the role and knowledge of the nursing profession.

If you know of any members of the public who may be interested to join one of our committees, please advise them to get in touch with us!

Selection Process

Applications in response to this call for committee members are reviewed by NANB staff who then make recommendations to the Board for appointments using the following criteria:

  • Geographic area;
  • Language;
  • Years of nursing experience;
  • Area of nursing practice;
  • Overall composition of each committee.

If you are interested in making a difference in the nursing profession, please contact for more information. Only members selected for appointment will be contacted. New committee members  begin serving their first 3-year term on June 1 of the year they were appointed and may be up for re-appointment for a second term.

Complaints Committee

This Committee is the first step in the Professional Conduct Review process. Upon receipt of an official complaint, the Committee will consider written documentation and have a hearing via teleconference to determine if the complaint should be referred for a hearing before the Discipline or Review Committee. If the complaint is being referred to a hearing, the Complaints Committee also has the ability to suspend the member’s registration in the interim if they find that the nurse’s practice is a risk to public safety. The Committee can also dismiss a complaint if they find that there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations against the nurse member.

Discipline/Review Committee

This Committee is the second step in the Professional Conduct Review process. Upon referral of a complaint from the Complaints Committee, the Discipline/Review Committee holds a hearing at NANB’s offices in Fredericton. After considering live testimony and supporting documentary evidence, the Committee must decide if the complaint has been established and if so, must make an order on what conditions, if any, should be imposed on the member’s registration in order for them to be able to practice safe, competent and ethical care in the interest of the public. The Review Committee hears only matters involving a nurse who is suffering from ailments or conditions impacting his/her ability to practice nursing and the Discipline Committee will hear all other matters relating to the conduct and competence of a nurse.

Professional Conduct Review Process

Nursing Education Advisory Committee (NEAC)

The purpose of the Nursing Education Advisory Committee (NEAC) is to advise the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) Board of Directors (BOD) regarding nursing education standards and program review and approval for entry-level nursing education programs. Entry-level nursing education programs include baccalaureate nursing programs, nurse practitioner programs, and registered nurse re-entry programs.

Nurse Practitioner Therapeutics Committee (NPTC)

The NPTC is an advisory committee of the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) and reports to the Board of Directors. The mandate of the committee is to develop and review Schedules “A”, “B”, and “C” in the NANB NP Schedules for Ordering, identifying

  • the forms of energy;
  • the laboratory and other test; and
  • the drugs that a nurse practitioner may prescribe.

The committee is composed of six members with equal representation from nursing, medicine and pharmacy. One NANB staff acts as the committee resource but is a non-voting member. Committee members serve a two-year term and can be reappointed for subsequent terms. The NPTC meets once annually and more often if required, meetings generally last two hours.

Become a Candidate

Becoming a candidate is easier than you think! Here’s what you’ll need to do.

Becoming a candidate is easier than you think! Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  • You must be nominated for a specific position; and
  • You must be nominated by two individual practising members of NANB.

Download the nomination forms. You must check with your employer at the time of your nomination to ensure permission is granted for the necessary absences during scheduled meetings and copy your employers support to NANB.

Board members participate in Board meetings held four times a year (January, March, June and September). Board meetings are usually no more than two days in length. Directors must attend a minimum of three meetings per year. Other committee meetings are held periodically throughout the year. Board directors are expected to participate on specific NANB committees such as Finance, Executive or other working groups.

All elected Directors serve a three- year mandate and may re-offer for an additional three year term. The President and President-elect hold two year terms. With the exception of the President-elect, there is no automatic progression from one office to another.

NANB will cover your travel and accommodation expenses, with a daily meal allowance provided. In addition, salary replacement is available to your employer if you must be replaced while on NANB business.

We recommend that nominees contact NANB ( to receive a copy of the Director role description.

Committee Members

The Nurses Act mandates the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) to maintain a number of standing committees. They are:

  • the Complaints Committee;
  • the Discipline / Review Committee;
  • the Nursing Education Advisory Committee; and
  • Nurse Practitioner Therapeutics Committee (NPTC)

These committees allow members to be a part of a process that ensures the public is protected and that New Brunswickers receive safe, competent, compassionate and ethical nursing care.

Different factors are considered when selecting committee members, such as:

  • geographical area
  • language
  • years of nursing experience
  • area of nursing experience
  • the committee’s specific terms of reference

Public Members

Members of the public serve as public directors on the Board of Directors and as public members on the Complaints Committee, the Discipline / Review Committee and the Nursing Education Advisory Committee, on a voluntary basis. Public members are individuals who are not now, and have never been registered nurses.

Public members should have:

  • An interest in the health and welfare of the public
  • Previous committee or board experience
  • Time to devote to the role and have some knowledge about the nursing profession

If you are interested in becoming involved in one of the standing committees as a nurse member or as a volunteer public member, please contact NANB.

Support Nursing Education

If you are interested in making a financial contribution to nursing education, but are unsure of how to contribute, you might think of donating to one of the educational awards established by the Association. Private donors may contribute to any of these awards. For more information on the awards and how to contribute, please contact UNBUdeM student services, or the Canadian Nurses Foundation.