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The decisions of the Complaints, Discipline or Fitness to Practice (Review) Committees are provided promptly to the nurse, the complainant, and the nurse’s employer(s). The Association must give public notice of all suspensions, revocations, and impositions of restrictions, conditions or limitations on a nurse’s registration.

Listed below are notices of suspensions and revocations, as well as notices of restrictions, conditions or limitations that have been imposed on nurses’ registrations as a result of Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee decisions. To verify the registration status of any member, please contact the Registrar.

  • NANB Statement Regarding the Registration Status of Donna Collins

    NANB frequently receives inquiries regarding the registration status of Donna Collins. Donna Collins was actively registered with NANB as a Registered Nurse from 2000–2012 and as a Nurse Practitioner from 2012–2013. Her registration with NANB expired on December 31, 2013, after which she was no longer authorized to practice nursing or use the titles Registered Nurse (RN) or Nurse Practitioner (NP).

    Following a disciplinary hearing on November 22, 2017, Ms. Collins was reprimanded by the Discipline Committee and issued a fine for improper use of actual and fictitious nursing designations such as RN, NP, “RN+” and “DNP”, while not being a registered member of NANB.  Donna Collins has not been registered with NANB since December 31, 2013. She is not authorized to practice nursing in New Brunswick, to hold herself out as a person authorized to practice nursing, or to use such designations.

    Discipline Committee Decision Summary

  • 2024 Decisions

    Consent Agreement

    In a decision dated September 3, 2024, a panel of the NANB Complaints Committee accepted a Consent Agreement between NANB and Prabhsimran Kaur (Registration number 033675).  Ms. Kaur admitted to medication errors, failing to apply a resident’s nitro patch, leaving a stool sample unrefrigerated, leaving a medical cart unattended, and documentation issues. Ms. Kaur acknowledged that the complaint also raised concerns about her clinical assessment and critical thinking skills.

    Ms. Kaur has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on her registration, including:

    1. Undertaking not to practice nursing until she completes remedial education;
    2. Remedial education related to professional nursing in Canada, changes in health and therapeutic interventions, medication administration and health assessment;
    3. Performance evaluations from her employer(s) from the date of her return to the practice of nursing;
    4. Supervision by a Registered Nurse or a Nurse Practitioner for the first 450 practice hours after her return to the active practice of nursing;
    5. Not working independently as a self-employed Registered Nurse or in a supervisory role;
    6. Providing each employer with a copy of the Consent Agreement and Complaints Committee’s decision and advise NANB of any change in address or employer.

    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed (Name withheld, RN)

    In a decision dated August 27, 2024, a panel of the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted an Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) between NANB and the Registrant.  The Registrant admitted to reporting to work impaired, bringing an illicit drug to work and using it at work, and discussing its use with a coworker and within hearing distance of patients.  The Registrant admitted to having been addicted to an illicit drug, having used it frequently outside of work, and being often impaired or incapacitated when reporting to work, which put patients at risk.  The NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted medical evidence that the Registrant is now fit to practice and ordered that the suspension imposed on the Registrant by the Complaints Committee on December 21, 2021 be lifted and conditions be imposed on the Registrant’s registration.

    The Registrant has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on their practice, including:

    1. Remedial education related to ethics in nursing;
    2. Performance evaluations from their employer(s) from the date of their return to the active practice of nursing;
    3. Continue to receive medical and psychotherapy treatments, attend recovery group meetings, and remain abstinent from recreational and illegal drugs;
    4. Submit written reports from health professionals treating or counselling the Registrant;
    5. Submit to random drug screening tests;
    6. Pay a portion of the costs associated with the complaint;
    7. Providing their employers with a copy of the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee’s decision and order and advise NANB of any change in address or employer.

    Consent Agreement

    In a decision dated August 26, 2024, a panel of the NANB Complaints Committee accepted a Consent Agreement between NANB and Hermie Buganan Herradura (Registration number 032231).  Mr. Herradura admitted to multiple medication management issues (i.e., near misses, unsafe injection practices), difficulty with delegating and prioritizing tasks, needing prompting to do tasks, inadequate and inaccurate assessments, failing to perform an assessment, inefficient communication, being unfamiliar with functions in I3, failing to call or inform other members of the care team when needed or in a timely manner, providing insufficient information during a report, lacking understanding of confidentiality and code change practices, and insufficient documentation.  Mr. Herradura admitted that he demonstrated challenges with medication management, communication, time management, critical thinking, timely patient care, and accurate charting.

    Mr. Herradura has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on his registration, including:

    1. Undertaking not to practice nursing until he completes remedial education;
    2. The completion of the IEN Bridging Program;
    3. Performance evaluations from his employer(s) from the date of his return to the active practice of nursing;
    4. Supervision by a Registered Nurse or a Nurse Practitioner for the first 450 practice hours after his return to the active practice of nursing;
    5. Not working independently as a self-employed Registered Nurse or in a supervisory role;
    6. Providing each employer with a copy of the Consent Agreement and Complaints Committee’s decision and advising NANB of any change in address or employer.

    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed (Name withheld, RN)

    In a decision dated July 8, 2024, a panel of the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted an Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) between NANB and the Registrant.  The Registrant admitted to diverting narcotics from their place of employment for personal use, using narcotics while at work or before attending work in excess of what was prescribed by their physician, falsifying documentation to make it appear that narcotics were wasted when the Registrant diverted them, using their co-workers’ credentials without authorization to sign out narcotics under patients’ names who did not receive them, and misleading their coworkers by making it appear that narcotics were wasted when the Registrant diverted them.  The NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted evidence that the Registrant is now fit to practice and ordered that the suspension imposed on the Registrant by the Complaints Committee be lifted and conditions be imposed on the Registrant’s registration.

    The Registrant has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on their practice, including:

    1. Remedial education related to ethics in nursing;
    2. Performance evaluations from their employer(s) from the date of their return to the practice of nursing;
    3. Written reports submitted by health professionals treating or counselling them;
    4. Submitting to random drug screening tests;
    5. Not working independently as a self-employed Registered Nurse or in a supervisory role;
    6. Providing their employers with a copy of the Fitness-to-Practice (Review) Committee’s decision and order.

    Agreement not to Practice Nursing

    On July 3, 2024, a panel of the NANB Complaints Committee has referred the complaint against André Boudreau (Registration number 022593) to the NANB Discipline Committee and accepted Mr. Boudreau’s agreement not to practice nursing pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

    Consent Agreement

    In a decision dated June 26, 2024, a panel of the NANB Complaints Committee accepted a Consent Agreement between NANB and Sylvain Michaud (Registration number 027245).  Mr. Michaud admitted to failing to follow the steps required for a safe triage when he did not perform a pulmonary auscultation or take the vital signs of a patient who visited the emergency unit.  Mr. Michaud also admitted that he failed to document his interaction with the patient by failing to prepare a patient record or complete the required clinical documentation.

    Mr. Michaud has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on his practice, including:

    1. Remedial education related to the triage and acuity scale;
    2. Review of NANB’s Standards for Documentation and NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses;
    3. Performance evaluations from his employer(s);
    4. A caution for failing to follow the steps required for a safe triage and for failing to document the patient’s visit.

    Conditions Lifted

    Erica McCrea: The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 025014 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective June 12, 2024.

    Conditions Lifted

    Kailee Anne Price Mallery: The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 027923 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective June 3, 2024.

    Registration Suspended and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated May 30, 2024, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee found that Crystal Broad, registration number 023997, performed an IUD insertion procedure on a patient without obtaining the patient’s informed consent to the procedure, failed to document having obtained informed consent, and inappropriately disclosed a family member’s confidential medical information to the patient when such disclosure was not clinically necessary or appropriate. The Discipline Committee also found that Ms. Broad did not take ownership or accountability for her breakdown in communication with the patient and demonstrated no reflection or insight into her conduct.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded Ms. Broad for disregarding a patient’s right to privacy and for violating the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, NANB’s Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners, NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and NANB’s Nurse Practitioner Entry-Level Competencies.  The Committee ordered that Ms. Broad’s registration be suspended for a period of two (2) months commencing on a date to be set by the Registrar, and ordered that conditions be imposed on Ms. Broad’s registration, including:

    1. Remedial education related to privacy and professional communications;
    2. A review of Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, NANB’s Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners, NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and NANB’s Nurse Practitioner Entry-Level Competencies and the NANB Fact Sheet: Consent; and
    3. Providing her employers with a copy of the Discipline Committee’s decision and order.

    Conditions Lifted

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 030211, Jasmine Murchison-Perley have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective April 19, 2024.

    Registration Suspended

    On April 2, 2024, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Nicholas Dallaire, registration number 026316, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

    Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated February 5, 2024, a panel of the Discipline Committee accepted an Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) between NANB and Erica McCrea (Registration number 025014).  Ms. McCrea admitted that a more robust action plan should have been created to ensure resident safety following altercations between two residents at a nursing home.  Ms. McCrea admitted that it was unhelpful and insensitive of her to focus on ways to distract the injured resident when discussing the altercations with the resident’s family.

    Ms. McCrea has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on her practice, including:

      1. Remedial education related to ethics in long term care, gentle persuasive approach, and Director of Nursing courses;
      2. Providing education sessions to nursing staff relating to adult protection, RCMP information, incident reporting, major incidents, seniors’ advocate, social development, resident behavior, and dementia training;
      3. Creating a resident safety plan or protocol.

    Conditions Lifted

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 026130, Josianne Comeau have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective January 10, 2024.

  • 2023 Decisions

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated December 27, 2023, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee found that Jeffery Faulkner, registration number 029181, failed to adhere to professional practice standards and nursing standards involving documentation, medication management, time management, professionalism, nursing competencies, dishonesty, and accountability. The Discipline Committee found that Mr. Faulkner failed to administer IV fluids to a patient, to routinely investigate whether a patient had new orders, to perform patient assessments, to communicate respectfully and respect the scope of his role when he inappropriately inserted himself into the care of a patient who was not assigned to his care, to properly complete his documentation, to ensure adequate time management in his nursing practice, to complete his continuing professional development learnings, to demonstrate insight into his nursing practice deficiencies, and to remain informed of a patient’s care. The Discipline Committee also found that Mr. Faulkner showed a lack of understanding of the importance of following safe medication administration practices and demonstrated a lack of accountability and professionalism by refusing to do a taped report after a shift.

    The Discipline Committee found that some aspects of Mr. Faulkner’s testimony were revealed as half-truths or fabricated and that he often focused on the behaviour of other staff rather than addressing the concerns brought forward regarding his nursing practice.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded Mr. Faulkner for violating NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards for Documentation, and the NANB Practice Standard for Medication Administration (as it was then called), and for his dishonesty and misrepresentations. The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension imposed on Mr. Faulkner’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated October 20, 2020, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Mr. Faulkner will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Registration Suspended

    On December 20, 2023, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Mandela Nelson Okinyi Atinga, registration number 032027, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

    Suspension Lifted and Dismissal

    On December 19, 2023, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee accepted an Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) between NANB and Kimberly Cooper (Registration number 022811) and lifted the suspension and dismissed the complaint against Ms. Cooper.

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated November 3, 2023, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Patrick Johnston, registration number 030962, to address practice issues related to his failure to adhere to professional practice and nursing standards involving medication management, critical thinking, communication, and organization and prioritization. As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Discipline Committee found that Mr. Johnston made multiple medication administration errors, abandoned his patients by leaving the unit when he was the only RN in charge, failed to communicate a patient’s fall to the physician in a timely manner, failed to properly prioritize his nursing tasks, and failed to communicate efficiently with the care team.

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension imposed on Mr. Johnston’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated November 17, 2021, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Mr. Johnston will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Registration Suspended

    On October 23, 2023, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Annette Theriault, registration number 023844, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated August 15, 2023, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Eric Tande Lawaza, Registration Number 030439, to address practice issues related to his failure to adhere to professional practice and nursing standards involving medication management, documentation, patient assessments, and communication.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Discipline Committee found that Mr. Lawaza made medication errors, prepared inaccurate and/or incomplete documentation and failed to document his observations, complete an incident report in a timely manner, change a patient’s catheter, get a coworker to co-sign the wastage of narcotics, properly identify a specimen, ensure that a patient’s call bell was within the patient’s reach, call a patient’s family member when the palliative care protocol was initiated, and ensure a vulnerable patient’s safety by leaving a soiled needle by his bedside.

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Mr. Lawaza’s registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on November 19, 2021, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Mr. Lawaza will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated August 8, 2023, a panel NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Elaine Bourdages, Registration Number 020817. As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Discipline Committee found that Ms. Bourdages failed to adhere to professional practice and nursing standards involving medication management, professional communication (including with psychiatry patients), documentation, critical thinking, and wound care. Ms. Bourdages admitted that her conduct was unbecoming of a Registered Nurse and that it was contrary to the Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses.

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Bourdages’ registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on January 11, 2021, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Bourdages will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Reprimand Issued and Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated July 18, 2023, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Nathalie Cyr, Registration Number 028497.  Ms. Cyr admitted to having accessed, intentionally and without authorization, the electronic records of 79 patients on 88 occasions between December 22, 2020 and March 22, 2021, of which 51 were co-workers and staff and the remaining 28 were members of the community, and admitted to being dishonest when she was confronted by her employer.  Ms. Cyr admitted to violating the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and her employer’s privacy policies.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded Ms. Cyr for her professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a nurse, dishonesty, failure to respect patients’ right to privacy and violation of the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and NANB Standards for the Nurse-Client Relationship. The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Cyr’s registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on November 22, 2021, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Cyr will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated June 29, 2023, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Samantha Girard-Légère, Registration Number 031101.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the panel of the Discipline Committee found that Ms. Girard-Légère failed to adhere to professional and practice nursing standards involving medication management (including IV medications), communication, patient assessments, teamwork, infection control, critical thinking, and documentation.  Ms. Girard-Légère admitted to having engaged in professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a nurse by demonstrating a lack of professionalism and critical thinking and by failing to follow her employer’s policies.

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Girard-Légère’s registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on September 26, 2022, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Girard-Légère will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Registration Suspended

    On June 5, 2023, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Kathryn Rogers, registration number 029798, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    Registration Suspended

    On May 15, 2023, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Samantha Jones, registration number 027307, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 030193, Kassandra Braun have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective May 9, 2023.

    Registration Suspended

    On March 27, 2023, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Monique Schorer, registration number 019867, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

    Registration Suspended

    On March 14, 2023, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Tracey Murray, registration number 027937, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

    Suspension Continued and Reprimand Issued

    In a decision dated March 13, 2023, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Megan Santucci, Registration Number 031132. Ms. Santucci admitted to posting disrespectful and unprofessional comments on social media regarding patients and colleagues and acknowledged that her comments were offensive and harmful to the nursing profession. The Discipline Committee found that Ms. Santucci violated the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses and the Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded Ms. Santucci for her professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a nurse with respect to her poor judgment and social media conduct. The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Santucci’s registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on December 22, 2021, be continued until specific conditions are met. When those conditions are met, Ms. Santucci will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated March 13, 2023, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Allen Paul Famatid, Registration Number 031373.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Discipline Committee found that Mr. Famatid showed a lack of critical thinking and professional judgment by heating a dry towel in a staff microwave that was not temperature regulated and applying the towel to the patient’s abdomen, causing smoke, a burnt towel, and injuries to the patient.  Mr. Famatid admits that in addition to being unsafe and a risk to patient safety, the use of a staff microwave to heat an object that was then applied to a patient’s skin was unsanitary.

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Mr. Famatid’s registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on August 16, 2022, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Mr. Famatid will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated January 31, 2023, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Alysha Marie Jalbert, registration number 029418.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Jalbert’s actions (which included overriding the automatic medication dispenser to dispense morphine for a patient who did not have a medical order for such medication and failing to document the administration of said medication, administering morphine to a patient without documenting its administration, failing to document the administration of morphine in the patient’s chart, and discarding narcotics without having the discard witnessed) constituted incompetence and that Ms. Jalbert was unfit and unsafe to practice nursing at the time due to her medical conditions.   The Committee accepted evidence that Ms. Jalbert is now fit to practice, and ordered that the suspension imposed on Ms. Jalbert’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated February 9, 2018, be lifted and conditions be imposed on Ms. Jalbert’s registration.

    January 31, 2023

  • 2022 Decisions

    Melanie Martin

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 025947 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective December 16, 2022.

    December 16, 2022

    Reprimand Issued and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated November 25, 2022, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Jérémie Sébastien Drapeau, registration number 030048.  Mr. Drapeau admitted to making inappropriate comments about nursing practice, his workplace, and its clientele during a stand-up comedy show, and to starting a self-financing campaign that insinuated that he was the victim of the situation after his employment was terminated. The Discipline Committee found that Mr. Drapeau violated the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses and the Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded Mr. Drapeau for his conduct unbecoming of a nurse, his lack of judgment and his actions in violation of the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses and the Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses.  Since Mr. Drapeau was no longer registered in New Brunswick when this decision was issued, the Committee ordered certain preconditions that Mr. Drapeau must satisfy before he may apply for a conditional registration.

    November 25, 2022

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated November 29, 2022, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Rachel Lynn Van Beelen, registration number 026417, took advantage of her trusted position as a Registered Nurse and abused her authority in accessing the medical files of 587 individuals, including herself, patients who were not assigned to her care, co-workers, family members, a friend, and COVID-19 unit patients, without consent, authorization, or clinical purpose to do so.  Furthermore, the Committee found that Ms. Van Beelen did not demonstrate sufficient understanding of the seriousness of her misconduct, and did not demonstrate adequate insight or accountability for her actions.  The Committee found that Ms. Van Beelen violated the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards for the Nurse-Client Relationship, the Personal Health Information Privacy and Access Act, and her employer’s privacy policies.

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Van Beelen’s registration by the Complaints Committee on November 9, 2020, be continued until specific conditions are met. When those conditions are met, Ms. Van Beelen will be eligible for a conditional registration.

    November 29, 2022

    Gail Savoie Doucet

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 025947 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective November 3, 2022.

    November 3, 2022

    Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated October 18, 2022, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Gail Savoie Doucet, registration number 020577.  Ms. Savoie Doucet admitted to and accepted responsibility for failing to meet NANB’s practice standards and her employer’s policies regarding medication administration and documentation.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee reprimanded Ms. Savoie Doucet and found that she failed to adhere to the NANB Standards for Medication Management and Standards for Documentation, and ordered that conditions be imposed on her registration.

    October 18, 2022

    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated October 14, 2022, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Kailee Mallery, registration number 027923.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Mallery’s actions (which included diverting narcotics from her place of employment for personal use; using her co-workers’ credentials without authorization to sign out narcotics under patients’ names who did not receive them; using narcotics while at work or before attending at work; and falsifying documentation to make it appear that narcotics were wasted when she diverted them) constituted professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a member of NANB.  The Committee accepted evidence that Ms. Mallery is now fit to practice nursing and ordered that the suspension imposed on Ms. Mallery’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated April 27, 2020, be lifted and conditions be imposed on Ms. Mallery’s registration.

    October 14, 2022

    Registration Suspended

    On September 26, 2022, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Samantha Girard-Légère, registration number 031101, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

    September 26, 2022

    Conditions Lifted

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 027307(Samantha Jones) have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective August 31st, 2022.

    August 31, 2022

    Stay of Proceedings

    In a decision dated August 23, 2022, the NANB Discipline Committee ordered a stay of proceedings in the complaint against Marcelle Méloné Loé Nguipeck, registration number 030867.  Since Ms. Nguipeck did not pass the NCLEX exam within the required time frame, she is no longer eligible for registration with NANB and cannot practice nursing in New Brunswick.  Ms. Nguipeck’s registration had previously been suspended by an order of the Complaints Committee dated October 26, 2020.

    August 23, 2022

    Registration Suspended

    On August 16, 2022, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Allen Paul Famatid, registration number 031373, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

    August 16, 2022

    Registration Suspended

    On May 25, 2022, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Kelly Valanne, registration number 020815, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    May 25, 2022

    Reprimand Issued

    In a decision dated May 20, 2022, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Maxie McIntyre, registration number 030516.  Ms. McIntyre admitted that she breached Public Health guidelines respecting the COVID-19 pandemic and the Mandatory Order issued by the Government of New Brunswick and she admitted that her conduct and choices were not acceptable or appropriate.  Ms. McIntyre also admitted and took responsibility for making social media posts which were contrary to her employer’s social media policy and the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, and she voluntarily completed applicable education.  Ms. McIntyre stated that going forward, she will exhibit a higher level of professionalism when using social media.

    The Committee reprimanded Ms. McIntyre for her professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a nurse for her poor judgment and actions in breaching COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines.

    May 20, 2022

    Registration Suspended

    On April 14, 2022, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Brenda Goguen, registration number 017977, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    April 14, 2022

    Registration Suspended

    On May 17, 2022, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Krista Lutes, registration number 026741, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    May 17, 2022

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated April 13, 2022, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Kendra Leanne MacDonald, registration number 025941.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. MacDonald failed to meet the standards of practice expected of a nurse by displaying unsafe medication administration, including: missing signatures for the administration of medication, failing to give medications, making medication errors, failing to send orders to the pharmacy, signing for medications without giving them, being responsible for discrepancies in narcotics counts, and failing to discard controlled medications in accordance with policy. Ms. MacDonald also displayed strange behaviour at work and she admits that her medical condition caused problems with her behaviour and job performance, and that she showed poor judgment by staying at work while she felt unwell.  Ms. MacDonald states that she is not medically fit to return to the practice nursing at this time.

    The Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. MacDonald’s registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on November 5, 2018, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. MacDonald will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    April 13, 2022

    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated March 1, 2022, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Mamadou Issa Diallo, registration number 030733, demonstrated shortcomings in his entry-level competencies in several areas of his nursing practice, including patient assessment, documentation, medication administration, and planning, intervention and evaluation of care. The Discipline Committee found that Mr. Diallo committed multiple documentation omissions and errors, failed to prioritize appropriate patient care and follow-up, administered medication by the incorrect route and the wrong dosage, and demonstrated inadequate knowledge of medications. Furthermore, the Committee found that Mr. Diallo failed to demonstrate accountability for and insight into his shortcomings, and demonstrated a lack of understanding of his responsibilities as a graduate nurse. The Committee found that Mr. Diallo violated the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards for Documentation and the NANB Standards for Medication Administration (as they were then called).

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the suspension of Mr. Diallo’s registration by the Complaints Committee on July 8, 2020, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Mr. Diallo will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    March 1, 2022


    Conditions Lifted

    Angela Arsenault-Daigle

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 026368 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective January 28, 2022.

    January 28, 2022


    Conditions Lifted

    Amie Louise Martinson

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 026368 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective January 17, 2022.

    January 17, 2022

  • 2021 Decisions

    Registration Suspended

    On December 28, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Osamuyime Ero, registration number 030959, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    December 28, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On December 22, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Kimberly Cooper, registration number 022811, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    December 22, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On December 22, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Megan Santucci, registration number 031132, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    December 22, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On December 21, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Kimberly Smith, registration number 025492, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    December 21, 2021


    Registration Revoked

    In a decision dated December 10, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Luc Moryl Blaquière, registration number 019896.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Mr. Blaquière failed to meet the standards of practice expected of a nurse by failing to document according to the NANB Standards for Documentation, failing to document the narcotic count for five shifts, failing to perform a COVID-19 test, signing medications before administering them contrary to the NANB Standards for Medication Administration (as they were then called), and documenting a verbal order in a patient’s file when he had not received such an order.

    With Mr. Blaquière’s agreement, the Committee ordered that his registration be revoked, and that he shall not be eligible to apply for reinstatement with a conditional registration unless and until specific conditions are met.

    December 10, 2021


    Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated December 3, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Annie Robichaud, registration number 026938.  Ms. Robichaud admitted to and accepted responsibility for failing to adhere to COVID-19 infection control policies in the workplace.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee reprimanded Ms. Robichaud and found that she failed to adhere to the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, and ordered that conditions be imposed on her registration.

    December 3, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On November 25, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Sylvie Rousselle, registration number 023048, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    November 25, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On November 22, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Nathalie Cyr, registration number 028497, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    November 22, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On November 22, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Charles Bjorndal, registration number 030086, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Fitness to Practice (Review Committee).

    November 22, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On November 19, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Eric Lawaza, registration number 030439, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    November 19, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On November 17, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Patrick Johnston, registration number 030962, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    November 17, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On November 5, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Cherisee DaCosta, registration number 030890, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee

    November 5, 2021


    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated November 4, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Monica Lee Gibbons, registration number 029603.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Gibbons demonstrated professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a professional and dishonesty by stealing narcotics from her place of employment for her personal use, and falsifying records to make it appear that she had administered narcotics to patients who did not receive them or to make it appear that narcotics were discarded when she stole them.  Ms. Gibbons admitted, and the Committee found, that she failed to adhere to required narcotic control procedures, the NANB Standards for Documentation, the NANB Standards for Medication Administration (as they were then called) and the NANB Standards for the Nurse-Client Relationship.

    The Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Gibbons’ registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on May 1, 2018, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Gibbons will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    November 4, 2021


    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated October 18, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Josianne Comeau, registration number 026130.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Comeau demonstrated a lack of professional judgment and conduct unbecoming a professional, and her conduct did not meet the standards of practice with respect to patient safety and safe practice, medication administration, infection prevention, work planning and organization, documentation and autonomy.  Ms. Comeau admitted, and the Committee found that she did not provide competent nursing care, and she failed to adhere to the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses and the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses.

    The Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Comeau’s registration imposed by the Complaints Committee on July 14, 2020, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Comeau will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    October 18, 2021


    Registration Revoked

    In a decision dated September 20, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Jennifer Jean Ryan, registration number 024993.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Ryan failed to meet the standards of practice expected of a nurse by leaving her assigned unit for over an hour, failing to perform blood glucose checks on patients before meal time, using the hospital’s blood glucometer to check her own blood sugar, failing to complete assigned patient care, failing to complete any documentation during a shift, failing to take responsibility for her actions, and demonstrating that she was unfit to practice nursing.

    The Committee ordered that Ms. Ryan’s registration be revoked, and that she shall not be eligible to apply for reinstatement with a conditional registration unless and until she submits satisfactory evidence of her fitness to practice nursing.

    September 20, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On August 25, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Norma Smith, registration number 016067, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Fitness to Practice (Review Committee).

    August 25, 2021


    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated July 26, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Kassandra Kirsten Braun, registration number 030193, was admittedly loud and used inappropriate and disrespectful language in front of patients, she admitted that she took food from patients’ meal trays after patients had refused them, she provided outside food to patients that could have conflicted with their prescribed dietary restrictions, and she demonstrated a lack of understanding of her role as a Registered Nurse and a lack of respect for the privacy and dignity of sensitive and emotional medical conversations.  The Committee found that Ms. Braun violated the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and the NANB Standards for the Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship.

    The Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Braun’s registration by the Complaints Committee on May 7, 2020, be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Braun will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    July 26, 2021


    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated July 12, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee reprimanded Melanie L’Anglais, registration number 026694 for violating the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the NANB Practice Standard for Medication Administration (as it was then called), and the NANB Standards for Documentation when she stole Dilaudid from her workplace on several occasions in 2018 and falsified documentation to make it appear that narcotics were discarded when she had stolen them for her personal use.  Based on medical evidence and Ms. L’Anglais’ testimony, the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee found that Ms. L’Anglais is fit to return to the practice of nursing with certain restrictions.  The Committee ordered that the suspension imposed on her registration by the Registrar on August 17, 2018, be lifted and that conditions be imposed on Ms. L’Anglais’ registration.

    July 12, 2021


    Suspension Imposed and Reprimand Issued

    In a decision dated May 31, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Karen Anne Belliveau, registration number 017418, failed to assess and/or identify significant changes in a patient’s condition and failed to take appropriate action in relation to the patient’s declining health status. Ms. Belliveau chose not to attend the hearing, which demonstrated a lack of accountability for her practice, showed disrespect for the proceedings of the Committee, and demonstrated an unwillingness to be governed.

    The Committee reprimanded Ms. Belliveau for violating the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses and the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses. The Committee suspended Ms. Belliveau’s registration until specific conditions are met. When those conditions are met, Ms. Belliveau will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration. The Committee also ordered that Ms. Belliveau pay a portion of the costs of the proceedings related to the Complaint.

    May 31, 2021


    Registration Revoked

    In a decision dated May 20, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Anne Boudreau, registration number 017629.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Boudreau’s actions (which included regularly asking her colleagues for money and food, stealing food and personal supplies from her employer, taking patients’ food, being distracted at work by calls and internet searches for financial loans, and working while unable to concentrate, make decisions, perform basic nursing care, or appropriately calculate medication dosages) constituted dishonesty and conduct unbecoming a member of NANB, and demonstrated that she was unfit to practice nursing. Ms. Boudreau stated that she does not wish to return to the practice of nursing.

    The Committee reprimanded Ms. Boudreau for dishonesty and for conduct unbecoming a member of NANB. The Committee ordered that Ms. Boudreau’s registration be revoked, and that she will only be eligible to apply for reinstatement with a conditional registration when she submits satisfactory evidence of her fitness to practice nursing.

    May 20, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On May 19, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Tina Harding, registration number 026864, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    May 19, 2021


    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated May 13, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Sarah Littlejohn, registration number 028005.   As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Littlejohn’s actions (including diverting narcotics from her workplace, working while under the influence of narcotics, and falsifying medical records) constituted professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a member of NANB, disregard for the welfare of patients, and dishonesty. Ms. Littlejohn admitted and the Committee found that she failed to adhere to required narcotic control procedures, NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, NANB Standards for Documentation, and the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses.

    The Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Littlejohn’s registration be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Littlejohn will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.

    May 13, 2021


    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated May 12, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Pamela Anne Harvey, registration number 022890, ordered that patients be restrained without assessing other alternatives, inappropriately administered medications, failed to document according to the NANB Standards for Documentation, demonstrated no understanding of the importance of accurate documentation, and avoided therapeutic relationships with patients in favour of using medications.  Ms. Harvey did not demonstrate insight into her nursing practice deficiencies, took no accountability for them and did not demonstrate that she has the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe, competent, ethical nursing care.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded Ms. Harvey for violating the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards for Documentation, the NANB Practice Standard for Medication Administration, and the NANB Standards for the Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship. The Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Harvey’s registration be continued until specific conditions are met. When those conditions are met, Ms. Harvey will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration. The Committee also ordered that Ms. Harvey pay a fine and a portion of the costs of the proceedings related to the Complaint.

    May 12, 2021


    Suspension Continued

    In a decision dated April 20, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee found that Alison Gray, registration number 024023, was guilty of professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a member of NANB.  The Committee found that Ms. Gray yelled at patients, used derogatory language to refer to patients, refused to provide care to vulnerable patients resulting in some patients becoming incontinent, removed the call bell from patients’ hands out of frustration, physically handled a patient in an aggressive and unsafe manner, treated her colleagues with disrespect, threw or slammed files and other objects, and other such behaviour.  The Committee found that such actions posed a risk to the public, that Ms. Gray did not demonstrate insight into her actions, and that she did not show that she has taken accountability for her admitted misconduct over the years.  The Committee found that Ms. Gray violated the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and the NANB Standards for the Nurse-Client Relationship.

    The Committee reprimanded Ms. Gray for her professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a nurse, as well as for violating the Standards noted above.  The Committee ordered that the suspension of Ms. Gray’s registration be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Ms. Gray will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.  The Committee also ordered that Ms. Gray pay a portion of the costs of the proceedings related to the Complaint.

    April 20, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On March 30, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Luc Moryl Blaquière, registration number 019896, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    March 30, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On March 19, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Martine Pellerin, registration number 021263, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    March 19, 2021


    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated March 12, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Sandie Leah Brown, registration number 028562.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Brown’s actions (which included bringing marijuana into the workplace, unprofessional retaliatory behaviour while administering medication, and disrespectful and aggressive communication toward colleagues) constituted professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a member of NANB.  The Committee accepted evidence that Ms. Brown is now fit to practice nursing, and ordered that the suspension imposed on Ms. Brown’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated October 5, 2018 be lifted and conditions be imposed on Ms. Brown’s registration.

    March 12, 2021


    Suspension Continued

    On March 11, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Joseph Luc Blaquière, registration number 019895, demonstrated incompetence and a lack of judgment by failing to adhere to the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and the Standards for Documentation.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded the member for not adhering to the Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and the Standards for Documentation. The Committee ordered that the suspension of Mr. Blaquière’s registration be continued until specific conditions are met.  When those conditions are met, Mr. Blaquière will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration.  The Committee also ordered that Mr. Blaquière pay a fine and a portion of the costs of the proceedings related to this Complaint.

    March 11, 2021


    Suspension Imposed and Reprimand Issued

    In a decision dated March 5, 2021, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee (the “Committee”) found that Brenda Gail Phillips, registration number 022939 (the “Member”), demonstrated dishonesty by mispresenting her educational qualifications and her professional credentials from 2008-2017.  The Committee found that the Member disregarded the opinion of her health care professional that she was not fit to practice nursing, and then continued to practice nursing because she disagreed with that opinion.  The Committee found that the Member has not shown that she has taken accountability to ensure her fitness to practice, and no evidence with respect to the Member’s current fitness to practice was submitted.

    The Committee reprimanded the Member for her dishonesty and for violating the Code of Ethics and the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses.  The Committee suspended the member’s registration until such time as she produces satisfactory evidence of her fitness to practice nursing.

    March 5, 2021


    Conditions Lifted

    Maryanne Elizabeth Stears (former name Anderson)

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 028375 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective February 10, 2021.

    February 10, 2021


    Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated February 8, 2021, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Andrea Clarke, registration number 023198. As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Clarke failed to adhere to the NANB Practice Standard for Medication Administration, and ordered that conditions be imposed on her registration. Ms. Clarke admitted to and accepted responsibility for the medication errors.

    February 8, 2021


    Conditions Lifted

    The conditions imposed on the registration of Heather London, registration number 021451, have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective January 25, 2021.

    January 25, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On January 11, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Fernand Landry, registration number 022609, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    January 11, 2021


    Registration Suspended

    On January 11, 2021, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Elaine Bourdages, registration number 020817, pending the outcome of proceedings before the Discipline Committee.

    January 11, 2021

  • 2020 Decisions

    Registration Suspended

    On December 8, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Riel Prive, registration number 027681, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    December 8, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On November 12, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Annick Foulem, registration number 025781, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee

    November 12, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On November 9, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Rachel Lynn Van Beelen, registration number 026417, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    November 9, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On November 9, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Tammy Catherine Greene, registration number 029080, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    November 9, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On October 26, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Marcelle Méloné Loé Nguipeck, registration number 030867, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    October 26, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On October 20, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Jeffery Faulkner, registration number 029181, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    October 20, 2020


    Conditions Lifted

    The conditions imposed on the registration of Line Landry, registration number 026247, have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective October 20, 2020.

    October 20, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On October 13, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Shelley Dunlap, registration number 022314, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    October 13, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On October 9, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Brenda Connell, registration number 020080, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    October 9, 2020


    Reprimand Issued and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated September 8, 2020, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Jennifer Martin, registration number 025239 (the “Member”), lacked professional judgment, critical thinking, decision making and documentation and communication skills to safely practice nursing.  The Member misread an insulin order transcribed on a Medication Administration Record, did not check the actual order to confirm the dose, and administered ten times the ordered dose to a patient.  The Member also failed to have the medication administration co-signed by another Registered Nurse as required by policy, and failed to exercise critical thinking by not questioning if the mistaken dose was correct.  The Member then failed to document the administration of the insulin overdose and the resulting interventions, and did not complete an incident report.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded the Member for not adhering to the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards for Documentation, the NANB Standards for Medication Administration and the Horizon Health Network Policy & Procedure on Medication Administration, Storage and Handling.  The Member had previously resigned her registration with NANB so the Committee was unable to suspend her registration.  The Committee ordered certain preconditions that the Member must satisfy before she may apply for a conditional registration.

    September 8, 2020


    Suspension Lifted, Reprimand Issued and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated August 21, 2020, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee reprimanded Emily Jones, registration number 026149 (the “Member”), for not adhering to the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the NANB Standards for Documentation, and the Canadian Nurses Association Code of Ethics.  The Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee found that the Member is fit to practice nursing, and ordered that the suspension imposed on her registration by the Complaints Committee on July 25, 2019 be lifted and conditions be imposed on the Member’s registration.

    August 21, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On July 14, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Josianne Comeau, registration number 026130, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    July 14, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On July 8, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Mamadou Issa Diallo, registration number 030733, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    July 8, 2020


    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated June 26, 2020, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Samantha Jones, registration number 027307 (the “Member”).  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that the member’s actions (which included stealing narcotics from her workplace, falsifying patient charts and narcotic waste records, and lying to prescribers to obtain unnecessary increases in patients’ narcotics doses so she could steal the overage) constituted professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a member and dishonesty.  The Committee accepted evidence that the Member is now fit to practice, and ordered that the suspension imposed on the member’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated April 24, 2018 be lifted and conditions be imposed on the member’s registration.

    June 26, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On May 7, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Kassandra Braun, registration number 030193, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    May 7, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On April 27, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Kailee Mallery, registration number 027923, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    April 27, 2020


    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated March 30, 2020, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Angela Arsenault-Daigle, registration number 022033 (the “Member”).  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that the Member’s actions (including poor/absent documentation, unsafe client care, failure to follow clinical practice guidelines, and breaching the Code of Ethics regarding right to know, professional boundaries and confidentiality) constituted professional misconduct, incompetence and conduct unbecoming a member.  The Committee ordered that the suspension imposed on the Member’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated April 2, 2019 be lifted and conditions be imposed on the Member’s registration.

    March 30, 2020


    Registration Suspended

    On February 26, 2020, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Kimberly Ann Lankisch (former name Sampson), registration number 021307, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee.

    February 26, 2020


    NANB Statement Regarding the Registration Status of Donna Collins

    Over the past several months, NANB has received several inquiries regarding the registration status of Donna Collins. Donna Collins was actively registered with NANB as a Registered Nurse from 2000–2012 and as a Nurse Practitioner from 2012–2013. Her registration with NANB expired on December 31, 2013, after which she was no longer authorized to practice nursing or use the titles Registered Nurse (RN) or Nurse Practitioner (NP).

    Following a disciplinary hearing on November 22, 2017, Ms. Collins was reprimanded by the Discipline Committee and issued a fine for improper use of actual and fictitious nursing designations such as RN, NP, “RN+” and “DNP”, while not being a registered member of NANB.  Donna Collins has not been registered with NANB since December 31, 2013. She is not authorized to practice nursing in New Brunswick, to hold herself out as a person authorized to practice nursing, or to use such designations.

    Discipline Committee Decision Summary

    February 24, 2020

  • 2019 Decisions

    Reprimand Issued and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated December 16, 2019, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Amie Louise Martinson, registration number 026368.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee reprimanded the member for her professional misconduct, dishonesty and conduct unbecoming a member of NANB, and ordered that conditions be imposed on the member’s registration.

    December 16, 2019


    Reprimand Issued and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated December 13, 2019, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Maryann Elizabeth Stears (former name Anderson), registration number 028375.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee reprimanded the member for her professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a member of NANB, and ordered that conditions be imposed on the member’s registration.

    December 13, 2019


    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated December 13, 2019, the NANB Discipline Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Jasmine Elizabeth Murchison-Perley, registration number 030211.  As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that the member’s actions constituted incompetence and a failure to adhere to NANB Standards for Medication Administration and Documentation. The Committee ordered that the suspension imposed on the member’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated May 2, 2019 be lifted and conditions be imposed on the member’s registration.

    December 13, 2019


    Suspension Lifted and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated November 29, 2019, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee ordered that the suspension imposed on the registration of Line Landry, registration number 026247, on May 10, 2019 be lifted.  The Committee further ordered that certain conditions be continued on the member’s registration that were originally imposed by order dated November 8, 2018.

    November 29, 2019


    Registration Suspended

    On September 25, 2019, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Sarah MacKenzie Allen, registration number 028633, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    September 25, 2019


    Practicing Registration Suspended and Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated September 9, 2019, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee found that Lise St-Coeur (former name LeBreton) registration number 028600, demonstrated incompetence, a lack of judgement, conduct demonstrating that she was incapable of practicing nursing and conduct showing a disregard for the welfare of patients. The Committee ordered the suspension of the member’s practicing registration, and that she be eligible for a non-practicing membership for the sole purpose of undertaking a specified list of courses. She shall not be eligible to apply for a conditional registration until the courses are complete and other registration criteria are met. Upon return to the active practice of nursing, her registration shall be subject to conditions.

    September 9, 2019


    Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated August 14, 2019, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Chandra Dawn Hume (former name Crouse), registration number 020792, demonstrated incompetence, professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a member of the Association, a lack of judgment, a failure to adhere to the Code of Ethics, and a disregard for the welfare and safety of patients. The Committee reprimanded the Member for not adhering to the NANB Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, the Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners, the Standards for the Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship, the Standards for Documentation, the Practice Standard: Medication Administration and the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses.

    The Discipline Committee ordered that the Member be eligible for a non-practicing membership for the sole purpose of undertaking a specified list of courses. Upon successful completion of the courses, the Member will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration. The Committee further ordered the Member to pay costs to NANB in the amount of $1,000 within 24 months of returning to the active practice of nursing.

    August 14, 2019


    Registration Suspended

    On June 12, 2019, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Nicole Lyne Ruest (former name Daigle), registration number 026602, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    June 12, 2019


    Registration Suspended

    On May 2, 2019, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Jasmine Elizabeth Murchison-Perley, registration number 030211, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    May 2, 2019


    Registration Suspended

    On April 25, 2019, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Joseph Luc Blaquière, registration number 019895, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    April 25, 2019

    Registration Suspended

    On April 24, 2019, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Pamela Anne Harvey (former name Garland), registration number 022890, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    April 24, 2019


    Suspension Continued

    On April 16, 2019, the NANB Discipline Committee found that Chandra Dawn Hume (former name Crouse), registration number 020792, demonstrated incompetence, professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a member of the Association, and a lack of judgement by failing to adhere to the NANB Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners and the Standards for Medication Administration and Documentation. The Committee also found that the member failed to adhere to the Code of Ethics and demonstrated a disregard for the safety and welfare of patients.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded the member for not adhering to the NANB Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners and the Standards for Medication Administration and Documentation. The Committee ordered that the suspension of the member’s registration be continued until conditions are met. At that time, the member will be eligible to apply for a conditional registration. The Committee also ordered that she pay costs to NANB in the amount of $5,000 within 24 months of returning to the active practice of nursing.

    April 16, 2019

  • 2018 Decisions

    Registration Suspended

    On August 30, 2018, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Chandra Dawn Hume, registration number 020792, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Discipline Committee.

    August 30, 2018


    Conditions Lifted

    The conditions imposed on the registration of Krista Marlene Lutes, registration number 026741, have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective May 23, 2018.

    May 23, 2018